We’re happy to announce that one of our vets Lucy is now a columnist for The Times! Her first column in the paper today is on the Pet Blood Bank and you can read it by clicking on the link below.
We are so close to becoming a canine blood donor centre; we just need a few more dogs that are likely to have DEA 1 Negative blood.
So if you own Greyhounds, German Shepherds, Airedales, Flat Coated Retrievers, Weimaraners, Dobermanns, Lurchers or English Pointers and would be willing to get involved then please contact reception for more information.
Congratulations Lucy. Saintly, one of our dogs’ life was saved with a plasma transfusion from Loughborough. We’ll always be grateful to the donor dogs.

A Corny Tale
Vet Cliff Maw performed a superficial digital flexor tenotomy on Sidney the Whippet
Jett’s Fractured Foot
When Jett was brought to the practice one Sunday in late January, his back foot was hugely swollen & painful
Scanning for Answers
The level of detail we can now see, even compared to the last machine we had from 5 years ago, is amazing