In light of last night’s announcement we wanted to provide some clarity to our clients about how we envisage things during this new lockdown.

The practice will remain open as per usual. We will continue to have clients into the building as we have been doing since August. We will continue to limit numbers and will follow our Covid Safe procedures.

millie greyhound bicester vets

If you have an appointment, then please assume it is going ahead as usual, unless we contact you to say otherwise. We are awaiting guidance from our governing bodies which may change what we are allowed to do but until that is forthcoming, please assume your appointment will happen as planned.

We are expecting the phones to be extremely busy tomorrow so please try to avoid phoning if possible, as you may stop someone with an emergency getting through.

You can continue to message us via Facebook or email us on
Thanks for your understanding.

Building Plans for 2024

Building Plans for 2024

We have also commenced a major construction project externally which will add significantly to the facilities we can offer to our patients