We have been making a significant effort to ensure your pet’s visit to Bicester Vets is as enjoyable as possible. Our waiting room now has plug-in pheromones to help relieve anxiety in both dogs and cats.

These pheromones are odours that people can’t smell, but that are clinically proven to be calming for pets. These are also available to purchase from us, for use at home.

Our receptionists have a constant supply of treats and are more than happy, where medically appropriate, to treat your pet on their arrival and give them a fuss to make sure they feel welcome at the practice.

We are also now stocking Thunder shirts for dogs. These specially designed T-shirts apply constant pressure to the body in a similar way to swaddling an infant. They are proven to have great results in calming many anxious pets.

A Corny Tale

A Corny Tale

Vet Cliff Maw performed a superficial digital flexor tenotomy on Sidney the Whippet

Jett’s Fractured Foot

Jett’s Fractured Foot

When Jett was brought to the practice one Sunday in late January, his back foot was hugely swollen & painful

Scanning for Answers

Scanning for Answers

The level of detail we can now see, even compared to the last machine we had from 5 years ago, is amazing