We have had a great response to the First Aid for Pets talk that our vets are presenting on Wednesday 2nd May at 7pm.
This free client talk is covering the following topics and more:
Fits & Faints
Vomiting & Diarrhoea
Light refreshments will be provided.
We are almost up to our maximum capacity.
If you are interested and haven’t already booked your place, please give us a call on: 01869 252077
If we are unable to reserve you a seat, we will keep your details on a waiting list in case we have any cancellations.
We will repeat the talk at a later date if we have a number of people that we are unable to accommodate this time.
A Corny Tale
Vet Cliff Maw performed a superficial digital flexor tenotomy on Sidney the Whippet
Jett’s Fractured Foot
When Jett was brought to the practice one Sunday in late January, his back foot was hugely swollen & painful
Scanning for Answers
The level of detail we can now see, even compared to the last machine we had from 5 years ago, is amazing