WE DID IT!!! And we’ve just checked the just giving page and we’ve raised over £1000 for Cherwell Cats Protection !!!
It was our first half marathon so we’re over the moon we managed to do it without walking; Helen did it in an incredible 2 hours 19 mins and Lucy did it just over 2 hours 25 mins.
Thank you all for your donations- it kept us both going… if any of you fancied donating now… the link is still active.
All the money will be going straight to those wonderful women and the cats they care for at the Cherwell Cats Protection.
Thank you for all your support!
A Corny Tale
Vet Cliff Maw performed a superficial digital flexor tenotomy on Sidney the Whippet
Jett’s Fractured Foot
When Jett was brought to the practice one Sunday in late January, his back foot was hugely swollen & painful
Scanning for Answers
The level of detail we can now see, even compared to the last machine we had from 5 years ago, is amazing