We’d like to introduce you all to Grace

Grace first came into us to see our vet Cliff last year when her owner noticed she was very lame on her right front leg. Cliff decided to take some X-rays which sadly showed Grace had fractured her back leg (see photo).

Thankfully, with help from vet Clare, Cliff managed to repair the fracture in our hospital with a plate and screws (which you can also see in the photos – one of the photo is of Grace’s leg during the operation, and the other shows the x-ray of the leg after the procedure ).

After the operation, Grace went from strength to strength and as you can see from these lovely photos sent in by her owners she is so enjoying getting back to normal.

x ray cat leg Bicester Vets
x-ray with plates on cat leg Bicester Vets
cat Grace at home
car Grace in Bicester vets hospital with pink bandage on leg and collar
cat Grace in kennel at Bicester Vets
surgery and plates cat leg Bicester Vets
cat Grace at home

When Grace came in one morning limping I took her to Bicester Vets to be told after a X-ray that she had broken her leg and needed a operation to insert a plate, but with the great care and compassion from Cliff and the team at Bicester Vets Grace has made a brilliant recovery and is back to her mysterious self.

Thanks to everyone involved with Grace’s care

Grace's Owner

Building Plans for 2024

Building Plans for 2024

We have also commenced a major construction project externally which will add significantly to the facilities we can offer to our patients