It’s about time we introduced you all to Sooty; a true cancer survivor.

Back in 2010 Sooty’s owner, just back from a holiday, noticed he had lost quite a lot of weight and he wasn’t eating very well so she brought him straight down to see Cliff to see if we could work out what was going on.

After an ultrasound examination with one of our visiting specialists it was found that Sooty had a growth in part of his small intestine which was causing a blockage.

bicester vets
cat Sooty at home who survived cancer at vet in Bicester
cat Sooty playing with toy at home who survived cancer at vet in Bicester
cat Sooty at home on the grass who survived cancer at vet in Bicester

Cliff and Fiona (who came in on her day off to help with the procedure) operated to remove the affected portion of intestine. This was sent to the lab for analysis and found to be a type of intestinal cancer called Lymphoma.

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that can respond to chemotherapy and so after a discussion with Sooty’s owner it was decided that we would trial chemotherapy. Some cats do not respond well to the chemotherapy and when we started off Sooty’s chemo the odds were against him as the chance of surviving beyond 2 years was only 20%….

So we’re now 6.5 years on from that original diagnosis… and as you can see Sooty by the photos is still doing really really well. He comes in to see us once a month, to see vet Elaine and the nurses to have his chemotherapy. Sooty is a feline inspiration and we couldn’t be happier that he is still here, 6.5 years on.

What a survivor.

It also took real owner dedication to get Sooty to where he is today.

When we asked his owner if we could publish his amazing story on our Facebook page she sent us this lovely e-mail:

Bicester Vets were fantastic as they let me visit Sooty on numerous occasions throughout the days and nights while he recovered there.

I was also rung late at night for reassurance. If he wouldn’t eat, they called me and they allowed me to stay with him to encourage him.

At times they got him out with his bedding so I could sit and lay on the floor cuddling my boy. Throughout this dreadful emotional ordeal, I was fully supported by the staff.

I was an emotional wreck but Cliff and his team were compassionate, reassuring and couldn’t do enough for me. On the day of his operation, afterwards, it got too much and I got extremely upset so the lovely vet Claire ushered me into a room so I could calm down and gather my thoughts. I will never forget her kindness. It meant a lot to me.

On his road to recovery, I rang Cliff at various times in an upset state as I was convinced I was going to lose Sooty. He showed me nothing but compassion and talked me through things and said that was what he was there for.

I have been with Bicester Vets since March 1996 and they have been outstanding. Over the years I have recommended them to other people to register with them too as they go the extra mile for you.

Come Sept, it will be 7 years since Sooty’s operation. Each visit, the receptionists are very helpful and carry him from my car, and after his chemo (which is every month), take him back out for me. I am very appreciative of this.

Thank you Bicester Vets, your compassion, care and kindness go a long way

We feel really honoured to have been part of Sooty’s recovery and absolutely love the photos of him which we have attached.

What a handsome chap he is!

Building Plans for 2024

Building Plans for 2024

We have also commenced a major construction project externally which will add significantly to the facilities we can offer to our patients