Stanley the Chihuahua X Jack Russell Terrier had always been a lively and friendly little chap, however, recently his owner had noticed some worrying cloudiness in his eyes.

Vet Helen Walton-Collett was able to confirm that he was developing cataracts in both his eyes, which was very concerning for a dog of only 3 years.

Worryingly, the cataracts were getting worse and Stanley’s eyesight was deteriorating to the point where he was starting to run into things even on a bright day.

dog with cataracts at Bicester vets

Stanley’s eyes showing the cloudy cataract remaining in his left eye and the clear cataract free right eye

Proud owner Wendy with a very happy Stanley

Proud owner Wendy with a very happy Stanley

Luckily, Stanley’s deterioration coincided with our new Eye Specialist, Mike Rhodes starting his Friday visits at Bicester Vets. Mike was able to confirm that Stanley had a hereditary condition causing cataracts.

The condition was progressing and he was at risk of losing his eyesight completely. The decision was made to operate but first he needed to know if the retina at the back of the eye was ok. Unfortunately, the left retina was detached and blind but the right retina was fine so cataract removal had a good chance of success in that eye.

On 10th November Stanley underwent phacoemulsification of the right cataract where the diseased lens tissue is broken down & removed from within the eyeball.

A replacement artificial lens was then implanted before the wounds are sutured with an extremely fine thread. The surgery is so intricate that it is performed through an operating microscope.

Stanley recovered uneventfully from his operation and initially required multiple medications. He is now on just 2 types of eye drops and otherwise is back to his old self. He can now see perfectly with his right eye so no longer bumps into things.

His left eye is blind but doesn’t cause him any pain so this will just be monitored. Stanley’s owner Wendy is thrilled with the outcome of the surgery which was all worthwhile as it has given her wonderful little dog his eyesight back.

Mike Rhodes is at Bicester Vets every Friday morning as a Specialist Veterinary Ophthalmologist. He sees eye referrals from other vets as well as from our Practice and runs Focus Referrals.

He is also accredited with the British Veterinary Association (BVA) to perform eye examinations for hereditary conditions in breeding animals. Mike also performs operations from the practice.

Building Plans for 2024

Building Plans for 2024

We have also commenced a major construction project externally which will add significantly to the facilities we can offer to our patients

Hip Hip Hooray for Ava

Hip Hip Hooray for Ava

Ava is now seven months on from her surgery. She is very lively and is behaving like a puppy again!