We couldn’t help but share these photos of the gorgeous Erik who came in for his first rabies vaccination.

Erik is 13 weeks old and is getting ready for his holidays by having his passport completed by vet Elaine.

His big brother Dougal also came in for a health check and we’ve attached some photos of them together here too!

If you have any questions about taking your pets abroad please call us on 01869 252 077

Gorgeous puppy Erik with brother Dougal at Bicester Vets having rabies vaccination
Gorgeous puppy Erik at Bicester Vets having rabies vaccination
Gorgeous puppy Erik  with brother Dougal at Bicester Vets

Having adopted a cockapoo just before Christmas, we called on Bicester Vets recently to aid our ‘blocked-up’ dog.

Caring and considerate, they dealt with the dogs issue swiftly and following a short stay with, he was able to return home a happier dog.

As he is insured, Bicester Vets dealt with the paperwork and within a week of our visit, confirmation from our insurance company was received advising that reimbursement was on its way.

Thanks to all involved, consider yourselves recommended; you made our lives very easy…and more importantly, returned our dog to health.

Andy in Bicester

Building Plans for 2024

Building Plans for 2024

We have also commenced a major construction project externally which will add significantly to the facilities we can offer to our patients